

If you would like to submit work(s) to NOTA, you must be a current University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire student.

NOTA submissions for art, literature, and music are held once at the beginning of every semester.


Art submissions are held in Haas Fine Arts Center in room 301. You are allowed to submit up to five works of any medium. If you cannot attend but would like to submit, contact

The first half of the event is dedicated to submissions while the second is dedicated to voting. If you arrive late, your piece may be at a disadvantage if voting has already started. Everyone is welcome to vote, even if you did not submit work. You are asked to vote for your top 10 choices. All votes will be counted at the end of the night. The top 20-25 pieces will be included in the issue.

Work can be picked up the following day in the sculpture storage room on the first floor next to the Art & Design Department Office. Work that is left in the storage room should be left untouched unless you are the artist that created it. Please pick up work as quickly as possible following submissions for its safety. Email questions to


Poetry and prose submissions are accepted digitally. You are allowed to submit up to five pieces of poetry or prose. Prose submissions should remain under 1500 words. Literature is selected via committee.
To be apart of literature selection committee or for find more, contact
Poetry submissions should be sent to
Prose submissions should be sent to


All music submissions are accepted digitally. All music submissions should include a short biography, a picture of you or your ensemble (contact us if you would like our photographer to take a photo for you), and up to three tracks. If a link to a band camp page is sent to us, please make sure we are able to download the music without any cost. One member of your ensemble must be a current University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire student. Email all submissions to

You will receive a confirmation email from NOTA,, for all music accepted to the book.


NOTA also produces a bi-semesterly zine called Pocket NOTA. Pocket NOTA features longer prose pieces of 2-5 authors. Submissions are held at a later date after our regular submissions period has ended. Visit this site (or any of our social media sites) to find out more details about the Spring 2015 submissions period.